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User Profile: zephyrus

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Name: Eugene Vicknair
Web Site: www.TidewaterSouthern.com
Interests: Professional Product Designer, 3D Animation and Graphic Design. Vice-President and part owner of Driven Innovation LRV in Fremont, CA. Also work in Real Estate investment. Previously worked in building and construction supplies. -- Studied Electrical Engineering for 3 years and Industrial Design for 6. College study in theater, history, chemistry, business management, ergonomics and psychology. -- Hobbies: paleontology, motorcycles, scuba diving, photography, music, Burning Man, writing, theater, woodworking. I shoot Canon EOS cameras, film and digital. -- Favorite railroads: Tidewater Southern, Western Pacific, Sacramento Northern, Santa Fe, Chicago Great Western, California Zephyr -- Director and Zephyr Project Manager with Feather River Rail Society. Working on restoration of "Silver Plate" CZ diner and "Silver Lodge" CZ dome car. -- Also led the team that designed the FRRS' Master Plan for the Western Pacific Railroad Museum. Currently working on designs for future buildings at the museum site. -- Member of the FRRS since 1984. Member of BAERA since 1999. Member of Feather River Shortline since 1986. Worked on restoration of FRSL 2-6-2 8. -- Webmaster: www.TidewaterSouthern.com -- Most famous for appearing in a web spoof of the Paris Hilton Carl's Jr. commercial made for a recruiting company named Accolo. Web commercial seen worldwide and appeared on CNN, MSNBC, The Today Show, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight and many others. Can be seen on the web at www.spicyparis.com. --
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