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User Profile: herronpeter

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Name: Herronpeter (aka Peter)
Interests: I model in O Scale and am building a modular layout featuring O standard and On30. The theme is Adirondack Logging with a fictitious narrow gauge line involved in logging. I have equipment for 2 separate time periods, steam with truss rod cars on the O standard and early diesel with more modern cars. The narrow gauge line is mostly geared engines with some small drivered rod engines one being articulated. I love tinkering with drive systems and will not stop until everything runs under 1 smph. All units used on layout have sound. I also love scenery and tree construction. One of my favorite things is finding ways to use everyday things to make items to use on the layout. I spend a lot of time browsing Micheal's and Joannes. Examples: tiny green glass beads for telephone pole insulators. Fake nails for head light hoods. button blanks and earring keepers for goose neck lamps and aluminum screws for headlight reflectors. Air and larger tanks using plastic hole plugs.
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