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Trainorders.com Announces 2006 Railroad Speed Image Contest
Winners Grand Prize Winner 1 $150 Prize Mitch Goldman submitted this outstanding pacing photo of Pere Marquette 2-8-4 #1225 taken along a parallel road near milepost 237 on what is now the Great Lakes Central Railroad near Boon, Michigan in August of 2003. Mitch advises that this was an overnight tour from Owosso, MI to Yuma and return August 16th and 17th ran by the Steam Railroading Institute and Lake Central Rail Tours in cooperation with the former T&SB Railway Company, Inc. Grand Prize Winner 2 $150 Prize In this excellent example of speed, Pinlifter setup the shot using a tripod with the cab door of the locomotive opened. The train was moving at approximately 10 mph and a four second exposure was used. The image is of a BNSF train on Union Pacific tracks and was taken at Utah Junction in Denver, Colorado. The tower in the distance is the old Denver and Salt Lake water tower. The "Beer Run" uses UP's tracks for a short distance then veers off to Golden, Colorado to pick up more Coors products. The trains run twice daily. |